Lista oficial de revistas evaluadas por JPPS


Los títulos que aparecen en esta lista han sido evaluados como parte del marco de Prácticas y Estándares de Publicación de Revistas (JPPS). Si un título no aparece en esta lista, no ha sido evaluado oficialmente por JPPS.

Vea títulos de JPPS:

Título de la revista Calificación JPPS Última
Academia Research Journal Nov 2022
Academic Voices: A Multidisciplinary Journal Sep 2020
Access: An International Journal of Nepal Library Association Jul 2022
Administration and Management Review Oct 2017
Advances in Engineering and Technology: An International Journal Sep 2021
Agronomy Journal of Nepal May 2022
AMC Journal Dec 2020
Amrit Research Journal Oct 2020
Annals of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Jan 2022
Applied Science and Technology Annals Jul 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of Environment Ecology and Sustainable Development Oct 2017
Asian Journal of International Affairs May 2022
Asian Journal of Medical Sciences Jun 2020
Asian Journal of Population Sciences Mar 2022
Banking Journal Oct 2017
Banko Janakari Aug 2020
Bhairahawa Campus Journal Jan 2023
Birat Journal of Health Sciences Jan 2018
Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal Mar 2020
Botanica Orientalis: Journal of Plant Science Apr 2022
Bulletin of the Department of Geology Aug 2018
Bulletin of the Department of Plant Resources Jul 2023
Butwal Campus Journal Mar 2021
Conservation Science Mar 2020
Contemporary Research: An Interdisciplinary Academic Journal Feb 2020
Crossing the Border: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Aug 2018
Curriculum Development Journal Dec 2020
Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Oct 2017
DMC Research Journal Feb 2023
Dristikon: A Multidisciplinary Journal Sep 2020
Eastern Green Neurosurgery Sep 2019
Economic Journal of Development Issues Aug 2019
Economic Journal of Nepal Mar 2021
Economic Literature Feb 2019
Ecoprint: An International Journal of Ecology Mar 2020
Education and Development Nov 2020
Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences Dec 2021
Forestry: Journal of Institute of Forestry, Nepal Apr 2020
Geographical Journal of Nepal Mar 2021
Gipan Apr 2021
Grande Medical Journal Jan 2019
Health for All Oct 2017
Health Prospect Oct 2017
Health Renaissance Oct 2017
Himalayan Biodiversity Dec 2020
Himalayan Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Dec 2020
Himalayan Journal of Science and Technology Sep 2019
Himalayan Journal of Sciences Oct 2017
Himalayan Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Aug 2018
Himalayan Physics Jul 2020
Himalayan Review Oct 2017
Historical Journal Mar 2021
Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment Feb 2018
INTELLIGENCE Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Apr 2023
Interdisciplinary Journal of Innovation in Nepalese Academia Feb 2023
Interdisciplinary Journal of Management and Social Sciences Feb 2021
Interdisciplinary Research in Education Sep 2019
International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology Oct 2017
International Journal of Environment Nov 2019
International Journal of Infection and Microbiology Oct 2017
International Journal of Life Sciences Aug 2020
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health Mar 2019
International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Oct 2017
International Research Journal of Management Science Apr 2020
International Research Journal of MMC Jan 2021
Jalawaayu Apr 2021
Janaki Medical College Journal of Medical Science Oct 2017
Janapriya Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Oct 2017
JMC Research Journal Apr 2021
JODEM: Journal of Language and Literature Aug 2020
Journal of Advanced Academic Research Apr 2021
Journal of Advanced College of Engineering and Management Mar 2019
Journal of Advances in Internal Medicine Jun 2020
Journal of Agriculture and Environment May 2018
Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources Feb 2020
Journal of APF Command and Staff College Feb 2020
Journal of Balkumari College Jun 2020
Journal of Biomedical Sciences Aug 2018
Journal of BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences Feb 2021
Journal of Brain and Spine Foundation Nepal Oct 2020
Journal of Business and Management Jul 2022
Journal of Business and Management Research Oct 2017
Journal of Business and Social Sciences Feb 2019
Journal of Business and Social Sciences Research Feb 2020
Journal of Chitwan Medical College Jan 2018
Journal of College of Medical Sciences-Nepal Aug 2018
Journal of Development and Administrative Studies Aug 2018
Journal of Development and Social Engineering Apr 2023
Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology Association of Nepal May 2019
Journal of Education and Research Oct 2018
Journal of Engineering Issues and Solutions May 2021
Journal of Engineering Technology and Planning Jul 2021
Journal of Fine Arts Campus Jan 2022
Journal of Food Science and Technology Nepal Oct 2017
Journal of Foreign Affairs Apr 2021
Journal of Forest and Livelihood Jul 2023
Journal of Forest and Natural Resource Management Feb 2019
Journal of Gandaki Medical College-Nepal Jan 2018
Journal of Health Promotion Jan 2019
Journal of Hydrology and Meteorology Nov 2023
Journal of Innovations in Engineering Education Jan 2021
Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal Jun 2021
Journal of Institute of Science and Technology Jan 2019
Journal of International Affairs Jun 2020
Journal of Karnali Academy of Health Sciences May 2020
Journal of Kathmandu Medical College Jan 2018
Journal of KIST Medical College Dec 2020
Journal of Lumbini Medical College Jun 2021
Journal of Maize Research and Development Feb 2019
Journal of Management Sep 2020
Journal of Management and Development Studies Jul 2019
Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences Oct 2017
Journal of Natural History Museum Feb 2020
Journal of NELTA Mar 2019
Journal of NELTA Gandaki Feb 2021
Journal of NELTA Surkhet Apr 2022
Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council Oct 2017
Journal of Nepal Chemical Society Jan 2020
Journal of Nepal Geological Society Feb 2019
Journal of Nepal Health Research Council Aug 2022
Journal of Nepal Mathematical Society Dec 2020
Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society Oct 2017
Journal of Nepal Pharmaceutical Association Oct 2017
Journal of Nepal Physical Society Dec 2019
Journal of Nepalese Association of Pediatric Dentistry Jan 2022
Journal of Nepalese Business Studies May 2019
Journal of Nepalese Prosthodontic Society Apr 2021
Journal of Nepalese Society of Critical Care Management Feb 2023
Journal of Nepalese Society of Periodontology and Oral Implantology Feb 2020
Journal of Nepalgunj Medical College May 2019
Journal of Nobel Medical College Jan 2019
Journal of Patan Academy of Health Sciences May 2019
Journal of Pathology of Nepal Oct 2017
Journal of Physiological Society of Nepal Feb 2022
Journal of Political Science Sep 2021
Journal of Population and Development Nov 2020
Journal of Psychiatrists' Association of Nepal Nov 2018
Journal of Research and Development Sep 2021
Journal of Science and Engineering Jan 2019
Journal of Social Protection Jul 2021
Journal of Society of Anesthesiologists of Nepal Oct 2017
Journal of Society of Surgeons of Nepal Jan 2021
Journal of Sustainability and Environmental Management Feb 2022
Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training May 2022
Journal of Technology Research and Review Oct 2017
Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science Jan 2019
Journal of the Institute of Engineering Jun 2018
Journal of the Plant Protection Society May 2021
Journal of Tourism & Adventure Mar 2021
Journal of Tourism and Himalayan Adventures Aug 2021
Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Education Oct 2017
Journal of Training and Development Dec 2019
Journal of Transformative Praxis Oct 2020
Journal of Universal College of Medical Sciences Feb 2019
Journal of Wetlands Ecology Oct 2017
Journal on Geoinformatics, Nepal Aug 2021
Kaladarpan Feb 2023
Kanakai Journal Aug 2022
Kathford Journal of Engineering and Management Jan 2021
Kathmandu School of Law Review Apr 2022
Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Jul 2024
Kathmandu University Medical Journal Nov 2020
KIC International Journal of Social Science Management Feb 2023
KMC Research Journal Apr 2020
Literary Studies Jun 2021
Management Dynamics Jan 2020
Mangal Research Journal Apr 2022
Marsyangdi Journal Sep 2021
Mathematics Education Forum Chitwan Jan 2020
Med Phoenix Aug 2018
Medical Journal of Eastern Nepal Jun 2022
Medical Journal of Pokhara Academy of Health Sciences Jan 2019
Medical Journal of Shree Birendra Hospital Jan 2018
MedS Alliance Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Feb 2022
Molung Educational Frontier Sep 2021
NCC Journal Jun 2018
Nepal Agriculture Research Journal Feb 2023
Nepal Journal of Biotechnology Oct 2020
Nepal Journal of Civil Engineering Apr 2022
Nepal Journal of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology Apr 2018
Nepal Journal of Environmental Science Apr 2021
Nepal Journal of Epidemiology Oct 2017
Nepal Journal of Forestry Oct 2017
Nepal Journal of Health Sciences Aug 2021
Nepal Journal of Mathematical Sciences Jan 2021
Nepal Journal of Medical Sciences May 2019
Nepal Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Feb 2021
Nepal Journal of Neuroscience May 2018
Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Oct 2017
Nepal Journal of Science and Technology Aug 2020
Nepal Medical College Journal Jul 2019
Nepal Mediciti Medical Journal Feb 2021
Nepal Orthopaedic Association Journal Aug 2023
Nepal Population Journal Apr 2022
Nepal Public Policy Review Feb 2022
Nepal Tourism and Development Review Oct 2017
Nepalbhasha Aug 2022
Nepalese Culture Feb 2020
Nepalese Heart Journal Jan 2018
Nepalese Horticulture Jul 2020
Nepalese Journal of Biosciences Oct 2017
Nepalese Journal of Cancer Sep 2019
Nepalese Journal of Development and Rural Studies Mar 2021
Nepalese Journal of Engineering Oct 2017
Nepalese Journal of ENT Head and Neck Surgery Oct 2017
Nepalese Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management Apr 2022
Nepalese Journal of Insurance and Social Security Apr 2021
Nepalese Journal of Management Research May 2021
Nepalese Journal of Management Science and Research May 2021
Nepalese Journal of Ophthalmology Feb 2018
Nepalese Journal of Qualitative Research Methods Oct 2017
Nepalese Journal of Radiology May 2018
Nepalese Journal of Statistics Nov 2018
Nepalese Journal of Zoology Aug 2020
Nepalese Medical Journal Jun 2018
Nepalese Respiratory Journal May 2022
Nepalese Veterinary Journal Aug 2019
NRB Economic Review Jun 2021
NUTA Journal Mar 2019
Occasional Papers in Sociology and Anthropology Oct 2017
OCEM Journal of Management, Technology and Social Sciences Apr 2023
One Health Journal Nepal Aug 2022
Orchid Academia Siraha Feb 2023
Orthodontic Journal of Nepal Oct 2017
Our Nature Apr 2021
Patan Pragya Aug 2020
Prajna Feb 2023
Pravaha Jun 2018
Prithvi Academic Journal Jun 2021
Prithvi Journal of Research and Innovation Jun 2021
PYC Nepal Journal of Management Mar 2021
Quest Journal of Management and Social Sciences Nov 2019
Rainbow Journal Apr 2022
REPOSITIONING The Journal of Business and Hospitality Aug 2018
Research Nepal Journal of Development Studies Oct 2018
Researcher: A Research Journal of Culture and Society Oct 2018
Rupantaran: A Multidisciplinary Journal Oct 2020
SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung Diseases and HIV/AIDS Oct 2017
Saptagandaki Journal Jan 2018
SCHOLARS: Journal of Arts & Humanities Mar 2021
Scholars' Journal Jun 2021
Scientific World Aug 2020
SCITECH Nepal Apr 2019
Shanti Journal Sep 2022
Shiksha Shastra Saurabh Feb 2023
Siddhajyoti Interdisciplinary Journal Feb 2021
Social Inquiry: Journal of Social Science Research Dec 2019
Socio-Economic Development Panorama Oct 2017
Sotang, Yearly Peer Reviewed Journal Jun 2022
Studies in ELT and Applied Linguistics Nov 2021
Sunsari Technical College Journal Oct 2017
Technical Journal Feb 2020
The Batuk Mar 2021
The EFFORTS, Journal of Education and Research Apr 2022
The Gaze: Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Oct 2017
The Geographic Base Jan 2020
The Harvest Apr 2022
The Initiation Oct 2017
The Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report Jul 2020
The Outlook: Journal of English Studies Aug 2021
The Third Pole: Journal of Geography Education May 2018
Tribhuvan University Journal Jul 2019
Tribhuvan University Journal of Microbiology Jan 2020
TULSSAA Journal Oct 2017
Unity Journal Jun 2021
Voice of History Apr 2023
Voice of Teacher Apr 2022
Water Nepal Oct 2017
ZOO-Journal Jun 2021